things i am loving right now.

I have not shared any thoughts on here since January.  Hmmm?  I am wondering if blogging has become a thing of the past…kinda like the transition of MySpace TO Facebook TO Instagram TO Twitter TO Snapchat?  I am probably a tech step or two behind.  However, the ability to reflect back on this silly little public journal of mine keeps me grounded in where my thinking has evolved and where I still stand strong in the things that I believe and hold close to my heart.

There continues to be so much negativity in the world…hard times…trauma…opposing views…complicated situations…people that are angry.  Each day, I am faced with these struggles and battle with my response.  Choosing to be transparent and authentic is also a part of the journey – admitting when I am irritated or hurt or furious has opened up great conversations.  The struggle is real! It is easy to slide into the slippery slope of the negativity, so I intentionally find myself seeking positive input to counteract the other!

Here are just a few things I am loving right now…

#1 PODCASTS – I have a 20+ minute drive to and from work each day, so listening to podcasts has been a gamechanger for me!  Using the time to learn a little or laugh a little is just what I need to start and end my work day.

Happy Hour Podcast

Instructional Leader Podcast


#2 CARPOOL KARAOKE – These TOTALLY make me smile.  Just watch a few!  Carrie Underwood, Michelle Obama, Gwen Stefani with George Clooney & Julia Roberts, Bruno Mars….SO.MUCH.FUN!  In fact, I was so inspired by this that my pal Amy and I picked up our buddy Jim one Saturday and had our own Carpool Karaoke with Karen Carpenter classics!

Carpool Karaoke with James Corden

Carpool Karaoke

#3 FAV FOOD OPTIONS – I am clearly a creature of habit. I like the same breakfasts and lunches most days – and eat out WAY TOO MUCH.  But here are a few current items on rotation.

salad girl dressing


sea salt and vinegar chips

#4 BOOKS – Using the Goodreads App to save all of the books read and the ones I want to read has been fantastic!  I typically have at least 2 going at a time…here are a couple recent loves.


The Song Poet

Rising Strong Brene Brown

What are you loving right now?  I asked my sis this question last weekend when we carved out an evening “sister date” and it opened up a conversation that could have lasted for HOURS.

I texted my daughter, her bestie and my niece this week and here are their replies:

love 1

love 2

love 3

So friends, what are you loving right now?


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